Lemon Balm

Other Names:

Melissa officinalis


Coming from the same family as mint, lemon balm is a lemon scented herb that is native to Europe, North Africa and West Asia. It has been used in traditional forms of medicine for centuries, with its main uses being to improve mood and cognitive function, modern research has also found it to relieve stress, improve sleep and even help to ease headache pain.

Health Benefits:

Helps to reduce anxiety and stress

Traditionally used to improve mood, recent research was conducted into the effectiveness of lemon balm on anxiety and stress. Participants found taking lemon balm reduced the negative effects of laboratory-induced psychological stress.

May improve cognitive function

In a study, participants were asked to perform tasks involving memory, mathematics and concentration. The results showed that those who took lemon balm before performing these tasks did better than those who didn’t.

May help to relieve pain

Some traditional uses of lemon balm include using the herb to treat headache and toothache pain. Especially if the headaches are related to stress, as the relaxing properties of lemon balm help to release tension and relax muscles. Several studies have shown lemon balm can also help to ease menstrual cramps with continued use.

Can help to ease sleep disorders

Research suggests that combining lemon balm with valerian may help sleep disorders such as insomnia. One study found that children who took a combined dose experienced 70 – 80% improvement in symptoms.

How to take lemon balm

Lemon balm can be taken in tea, powder or capsules. Try taking 1 capsule per day of Time Health Organic Lemon Balm Leaf Extract, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.




